My daily journey to new dinner ideas.

I will blog here with my ideas and recipes for dinner on a daily basis. I will try to keep it new and interesting. This is my means of trying make my dinners ever-changing while trying to incorporate a healthy twist.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Tomorrow's dinner plan

For tomorrow night we have discussed what everyone is hungry for.  We have determined that tomorrow is good day for an old favorite.  This is one of the few meals that we repeat in this household, because we all like it.  We will be having Spaghetti and Meatballs for dinner.  I will pick-up 3/4 of a pound of each ground beef and ground pork and make the meatballs from scratch.  One thing we will be doing differently this time though is, I will be searing the meatballs then baking them.  Usually we sear them and put them into the sauce to finish cooking.  This is very good for flavor but not as healthy as much of the fat will end up in the sauce then.
   By baking the meatballs we will be able to separate the fat out before placing the meatballs into the sauce.  This will give us a less greasy sauce, making it healthier.  However because I am making the meatballs from scratch we will not have to sacrifice taste in the process.  I will incorporate fresh basil, oregano, and garlic into the meatballs so that they will have plenty of flavor.  I will post more on this tomorrow, along with the portions of the recipe.  I will also post a photo of the finished dish.  I will see you all tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. Heya Herm!

    I'm so excited for your blog! I just recently became a *tiny* bit interested in cooking. Always HATED doing it, but the Food Channel may have converted me.

    As a side oven is broken, so try not to bake too much or I'll be jealous! :)

